Thursday, April 23, 2009

100 Things

I hung out with Emmalee Grove today, and it was quite a good day! I really enjoy hanging out with people, and I suppose, seeing a bit what their soul is like. Emmalee has a beautiful soul, I think. :) We were talking about 100 things we'd like to do before we die, and well, I have all kinds in my head, and I'm sure I've written it down somewhere, but never formally, and never all together. So. Let's give this a shot. This may be long. There is no order, or preference to any of them.

1. Fly a plane
2. Go to all of the world's celebrations (i.e. I went to Easter at the Vatican, and New Year's Eve in New York, I want to go to the Olympics)
3. Learn how to ride a motorcycle
4. Build my own house. I realized, that every single member of my family did this, so maybe, it's my ancestral instinct to do the same? I will build a nice, little cabin, I think. Or a yurt. It's easy.
5. Get a good bookshelf. I have never had a real nice one, and I kept all my books in drawers in my room
6. Write a story, and tell the world
7. Sleep in the Royal York Hotel (Toronto), Chateau Frontenac (Quebec City), and Banff Springs (Banff, Alberta)
8. Learn to play the bassoon
9. Build a hammered dulcimer, and learn to play it
10. Learn how to play La Campanella by Franz Liszt (After Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2)
11. Go surfing
12. Play piano with Coldplay (I can dream, can't I?)
13. Travel to South America
14. Do something really, really, worthwhile
15. Do something self-sacrificial
16. Give birth. It scares the crap out of me, but I think it'd be so neat to hold a baby and think, "We made this."
17. I'd like to adopt. It'd be neat to be able to help someone enough to give them a chance at a very good life
18. Help someone get back on their feet
19. Live in community with people. It's messy, nuts, and misunderstood, but vitally necessary.
20. Learn how to farm, and be a farmer
21. When I do that, follow the 100-mile diet.
22. Go skydiving
23. Sail across the ocean
24. Go on a pilgrimage - there's one in Spain, to St. James' burial spot? I forget what it's called.
25. Learn how to cook, and cook well.
26. Get into a system where I wake up early everyday, and go on walks everyday
27. See a sunrise
28. Be homeless for an extended period of time, so I can see the other side of the picture.
29. Get my Phd. Maybe.
30. Play, or even conduct, with a symphony orchestra
31. Get my performer's ARCT. Someday...
32. I don't really know how to word this. See unique animals? Like, I've fed a baboon, and kissed a crocodile. I want to pet a kangaroo, and see a koala
33. Live out of a pickup truck/trailer for a while
34. Meet the Pope. Yes, it can happen. Technically, I already have, but I was with a million people when I did so. No time for conversation in those crowds.
35. Teach. But not in a school setting.
36. See a penguin, that's not in a zoo setting (I agreed with Emmalee on this idea!)
37. Rob a bank. Just to prove that I'm clever enough to be able to. I will give the money back though.
38. Ride on the world's largest Ferris wheels
39. Go to India. It'd be neat to go with Lynda and Denis
40. You know how cities are famous for a certain type of food? Like, New York Cheesecake, Philly Cheesesteak, Florentine Steak? I want to try all the famous foods cities have to offer. I've tried those three, from their respective cities. :)
41. Go for as long as I possibly can without seeing a naked man. But I would like to see one someday. That sounds so weird...
42. I do want to go to the moon. Whenever I'm blue, the thought of doing this makes me feel better.
43. Pet a walrus!
44. Pet an elephant!
45. Go to England
46. Go to Australia. My dad went, twice, and promised to take me next time... but didn't... so one time, I will just go!
47. Go to Thailand. Maybe Corrie Kessler will go with me.
48. I want to go to Greenland. I'm not sure why, though.
49. It'd be nice if all the churches could be united... in my lifetime. :)
50. Die for something worthwhile.
51. Compose the music for a movie. This may be hard, because I rarely, if ever, compose music.
52. Play electric organ at an NHL Hockey Game! Matt Lockhart would be proud. :)
53. See a sunrise. I've never seen one of those.
54. See the fjords of Norway. I hear they're pretty
55. Be knocked unconscious. Don't get any ideas...
56. Get really, really good at kicking someone. It just seems like a useful skill to have.
57. Learn another language. If it's French, then I can tourguide in Ottawa.
58. Busk in Ottawa, Quebec City, and Halifax. Those are good busking towns.
59. Use my energy to make others happy. Always.
60. Really focus on radiating positive-ness to people.
61. Break a bone
62. Go skiing down a big, empty mountaintop
63. Stand at the top of a mountain, after a big, long, and sweaty climb, and see the sun overtop the clouds
64. Go back to Africa, and spend a great deal of time there. Especially in Ghana, in Adidome. :)
65. Wear a big, poofy dress. And then run around and play soccer in it.
66. Reach the seventh mansion (For more information read The Interior Castle, by St. Teresa of Avila)
67. Oh! that pilgrimage? It's called Santiago de Compostela. I think. But I also want to do one in Jerusalem.
68. Sneak up onto the stage at a big concert and start playing a terrific piece on the piano. After the show is over.
69. Learn jazz piano. And learn it well.
70. Learn ragtime. That'd be fun.
71. Learn how to swing dance, and then I can be thrown up, and caught! It'd be fun.
72. Do rock climbing with actual safety equipment. I just like to plow ahead, and climb anything and everything. I love climbing!
73. Go white-water rafting
74. Surprise a complete stranger by doing a tremendous, memorable favour for them.
75. Skinny-dip. In December. Wait. I already, kinda did that...
76. Drive on the Autobahn. Driving in foreign countries scares me. This is why I should do it. It also scares other people. But for other reasons.
77. Learn how to shoot arrows, and get impeccable aim
78. Invent something useful, not like an infomercial, "pretty much useless addition of something"-otron, 3000. But something good.
79. Wax my armpits. I say this, because I have already waxed my legs.
80. Poop in interesting locations, so I can tell funny stories about this. But not in mean locations, like people's rooms, just like... off a cliff, or something.
81. Have a good story to tell, everyday.
82. Donate blood. I don't know what my bloodtype even is, yet.
83. Learn how to fix cars. Or marry a man who may know a thing or two about car maintenance, and would think that my driving is exciting.
85. Learn enough about math so that if my kids are having math trouble, I would be able to help them in some way. Or marry a man who got higher than a 65 in grade 11 math. This is not a pre-requisite. Neither is the car thing.
86. Live in such a way, so that when I die, I can look back and say that I made a contribution to the world, and people's lives.
87. Live out God's will. He has good ideas.
88. Have a green house. I love the smell of earth. :)
89. Get a photograph of mine published in National Geographic.
90. Disguise myself as a man, and go to one of those "men" conferences, or guy talks they always have at youth conferences. The girls talks are usually just... boring!
91. Score a really wicked goal in a soccer game
92. Be able to do a terrific jump in figure skating, and like, twirl around in mid-air multiple times. I'm terrible at figure skating, so this could be awesome.
93. Go to South America, and canoe down one of those rivers that has lots of piranhas in it, and an awesome waterfall. Then go swimming in it, but not the piranha part.
94. Plant a tree, and watch it grow over the years into a big tree
95. Break a bone. I've never done that before.
96. Do a 30-day silent retreat at the Ignatius Center in Guelph
97. Write a weekly column in a newspaper
98. Carve a new path, and do something that nobody else has done before.
99. But not go alone on that one. I'd love to take others with me, and go with them on their paths.
100. hmm. I don't think I have a #100. Oh well! If I get one, I will stick it on here. :)


Jessie said...

100. Read the Bible, beginning to end. I may need to read it multiple times, so I can remember most of it.

kerry said...

27. See a sunrise

53. See a sunrise. I've never seen one of those.

61. Break a bone

95. Break a bone. I've never done that before.

you're cute! :)