Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The LAST Mini-Saga, and my reflections on the week

The people who owned the car I rear-ended said to me, “Money is common. It comes and goes, but somehow we manage to pull through.” Whenever I get nervous about this uncertain future, I remember the people I crashed into, and think that I worry about too many menial things.

Now... this has been an interesting week. It's been good for me to find a medium in which I can quickly express my thoughts creatively. While I was on YouthBuilders, I did a really expensive and comprehensive personality analysis called the Highlands Ability Battery (There's more info about this thing on and they basically said, that because I scored very high in musical ability (pitch, tonal, and rhythmic recognition) that I NEEDED to have music, or a creative outlet in my life, or it would be very, very, very bad for me. This isn't music, but it is a creative outlet, and I wonder if that kind of creativity or need to express it is the same as the need to express and play music.

I've struggled in University, because I decided to go to school so I could pursue being a writer, but University has given me the worst writer's block I've ever had! So I've been submitting long stories, poems, and narratives instead of essays whenever I get the chance (There really is only one professor that I know of who will tolerate it, which is one of many, many reasons why I keep on signing up for his course! Though I honestly do read those essay outlines very very carefully to find another course that will give me this freedom) because I think that one of the ways I most effectively express my thoughts, not just through writing, but through writing creatively. It's refreshing to me to find a place where I can express this creativity quickly, and effectively, and still be challenged in the effort of writing a story that's only fifty words long. I wrote far more than seven mini-sagas. All in all, this was a positive assignment, and I think I will continue writing mini-sagas for my own sake. :) Mini-sagas = win.