Sunday, November 29, 2009

How to make the best egg sandwich

Bread (The best kind are either english muffins or bagels. If you have Montreal bagels you are golden)
Cream Cheese (Best kind is either smoked salmon or herb and garlic)
Cheese (Old cheddar - the older, the better)
Meat (Prosciutto. You gotta have prosciutto)

Making an egg sandwich is a very well-timed art. I'm serious. Time is of the essence in the egg sandwich making. You can make an egg sandwich in less than five minutes, and it will be amazing.

1. Get a small frying pan, put it on the burner, turn it on max
2. Get butter out of the fridge, and put some in the pan. Hopefully, the pan should be hot enough to melt it, but if it isn't, that's okay.
3. While waiting for butter to melt, take the cheese and cut it into about five slices.
4. By the time you've got a small pile of cheese ready to go, the butter should be completely melted, starting to bubble, and having lined the whole pan.
5. Crack the egg into the pan. Turn the burner to just above medium heat.
6. Put the toast in the toaster. Now it's crunch time. By the time the toast pops the egg will be cooked, so you have to move fast.
7. Now, I'm a fan of flipping the egg, and having it flipped, but still runny in the middle. This is extremely difficult to do, and usually winds up in an awful looking egg that burns and goes solid. The last few times I've been trying to just not flip it at all, and let it be, and this has yielded good results.
8. Wait for the toast to pop, keep an eye on the egg. Get the prosciutto ready.
9. The toast pops, so turn the burner to below medium heat.
10. Spread the cream cheese on one side of the toast, then set the meat on top.
11. Turn off the burner. Place the egg on top of the meat, the cheese on top of the egg. The order should be: cream cheese, meat, egg, cheese.
12. Put the other slice of bread on top, cut it in two pieces.
13. It will be very messy due to a newly broken yolk. But so delicious. ENJOY!