Wednesday, May 5, 2010


It's been a while. Not because I haven't been writing! For the first time in years, I have a MONTH off. A month of free time before I start a new adventure in Toronto. It's been nice to have so much free time, and just... relax and enjoy life. I love being on the go, if I stop moving, I get kind of "cabin-feverish" and start going stir-crazy and wanting to do stuff. But this is nice. Truth be told, this has been quite a hard year! I need a break. :)

So, I got approved to go on an exchange to India next year, in the winter. It was a very spur of the moment decision. I got into an argument with one of my friends back in March (honestly, I forget what we were arguing about, but we weren't talking or anything. It was quite weird, but I think we're all good now) and I thought to myself, "Dang! This sucks! I want to get OUT OF HERE!!! That's it... I'LL GO ON AN EXCHANGE. Ha. Take that cruel world!" so I e-mailed the exchange guy and made an appointment for the next day, filled out the application for the next day, and got approved to go to India last week.

Or so I thought.

A couple of days later the guy e-mailed me to say that the deadline for the India exchange had actually long past already, so I couldn't go there. Dang. I was hoping I'd run into Denis Bell: this really awesome and successful guy who opens vinegar factories and has a doctorate in leadership, and goes to India... all the time. I want to be like Denis when I grow up.

However, I'm still approved to go on an exchange, and I met with the guy today, and quite literally, I can go anywhere I want. So the question, "If you can go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" is an extremely relevant question to me now. And quite frankly, I don't really HAVE an answer. It's too overwhelming and awesome. I could go to Japan, or Hong Kong, or China. I could go to the UK, or France, or Spain, or Sweden, or Hungary. I could go to Iceland, or Mexico, or Australia.

So... where should I go?