Sunday, April 11, 2010

My correspondence with Wilbur

Mike Salvatore doesn't like music.

I started one of my last blogs with this title. Mike doesn't like music... until he found about about Wilbur Sargunaraj. He is this guy from India who has aviators, and a mustache, and makes these crazy songs about love marriages. They are quite repetitive, get in your head, and DO NOT LEAVE. It's really annoying. Today, I was hanging out with Mike and Mary, and thought it'd be a fun idea to e-mail Wilbur. FIVE MINUTES LATER... he responded:

Dear Wilbur,
My friend Mike is a huge fan of your excellent work. He loves to listen to the love marriage song, because he IS in a love marriage! He also likes it when people please check his blog. Mike is from Canada. Do you come to Canada often? If you do, will you be playing any shows in Toronto, so Mike can see you live?
Thank you very much Wilbur. Mike also thanks you. Keep up the great work!

Dear Mr Jessie Thankyou for the compliments! Yes I do come to Canada often and I am right now mixing my latest CD before I start the travelling again. I have thought that the Toronto might be a great place to live....just too cold! I do hope to have some concerts in Toronto. Are you on the facebook fan page sir? I will update all the events there!
Much Greetings and thankyou for your compliments Mike does not have the email sir?