Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Forgiving others becomes easy in the terrifying and challenging task of forgiving yourself. Hmm. That's all I want to say.


FretzsBrokenBrain said...

wow! that's a great quote. I find it easier to forgive others than myself. It must stem from a poor self esteem I have (and still do) struggle with. But at the same time, like anything in relation to Christianity: it's easier to say than do. The book of James calls us to be both hearers and doers of the word.
When we go through a certain sin struggle, we often beat our chests and have a prodigal "unworthy" attitude. But God is always forgiving, and expects us not only to forgive others but ourselves.

Jessie said...

Don't blame self-esteem on why it's hard to forgive yourself. I think regardless of how much we love ourselves, it's hard to forgive ourselves. It's a constant process, and one that requires more courage than forgiving others, because we have to do that critical self examination and realize... we were wrong. We have no excuse, and we deserve what happened to us. It's crazier then when we think that despite what we do not deserve, God still gives it to us.

I felt like Psalm 51 this week.

Jessie said...

- on the Psalm 51 thing, this priest told me I should read it, and when I finished, I wondered to myself, "Was it David who wrote that psalm... or me?"

FretzsBrokenBrain said...

I love Psalm 51. I am not really blaming self esteem on self forgiveness. Sorry if that came across bad Jess. I struggle with that. I think a lot of Christians find it hard to forgive themselves, despite God already forgiving.
Self examination, yes is key.

keep up the great blogging jessie :)